The fourth film in the crime series “Das Quartett” with Anja Kling, Annika Blendl, Shenja Lacher and Anton Spieker was shooted under the direction of Vivian Naefe.
In “Dunkle Helden” Leipzig is in the middle of the election campaign for the office of mayor when the quartet is called to a new crime scene. Manuela Weidner (Petra Zieser) was killed. What amazes Maike Riem and her team most: Manuela’s last phone call was to Jan Temper (Alexander Khuon), the favorite in the fight for the post of mayor and son of the legendary Walter Temper (Thomas Thieme), a hero of the peaceful revolution of 1989, Maikes Idol. Suddenly the distinguished Leipzig Temper family is at the center of the investigation.