The third film in the crime series “Das Quartett” with Anja Kling, Annika Blendl, Shenja Lacher and Anton Spieker is currently being shot under the direction of Vivian Naefe.
In “Die Tote vom Balkon” (working title) a young medical student (Nika Weckler) falls to her death from her apartment in the dormitory. Commissioner Maike Riem (Anja Kling) and her team Pia Walther (Annika Blendl), Christoph Hofherr (Shenja Lacher) and Linus Roth (Anton Spieker) investigate feverishly in all directions. A reference to Kiev leads to a hot trail. Maike and Christoph come across a research laboratory in which the victim has been researching the development of a new, “intelligent” insulin, financed by a young pharmaceutical company in Leipzig.